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Gas Transformations

 Authors: Ms. Giselle dos Santos Castro - Federal University of Ceara - UFC
                   Dr. Nildo Loiola Dias - Federal University of Ceara - UFC


- Choose a gas from 4 possibilities. When choosing the gas, a fixed amount of it, in the STP, will occupy the cylinder.
- Click the ON/OFF button on the pressure gauge to turn it on.
- Choose one of three options: Fixed Volume, Fixed Temperature or Fixed Pressure.
- When setting a variable, cursors will appear: in red indicating that it is fixed or in green, available for changes.
- Use the green slider to change the desired variable.
- Click “Reset” to reset or choose another gas.


This simulation represents a cylinder that can be partially filled with a gas (out of 4 options) in STP. Each gas has a fixed amount of moles. A digital thermometer displays temperature in oC; a digital pressure gauge shows the gas pressure in atm and the gas volume in liters can be read on a scale on the side of the cylinder. The simulation allows you to fix one of the variables (Volume, Temperature or Pressure) and vary the others. When fixing the volume, the cylinder lid locks, the temperature can be changed and consequently the pressure changes. When choosing a temperature for the gas, the gas heats up (or cools down) “slowly” until it reaches the temperature chosen by the user. By fixing the temperature, the volume can be changed and consequently the pressure changes. The change in volume (and pressure) occurs due to placing a weight on the cylinder lid. When choosing the desired volume, the weight on the cylinder lid remains fixed while the gas evolves towards equilibrium. By setting the pressure, the user can change the volume (and hence the temperature) or the temperature (and hence the volume). In the simulation, the programmed volume, temperature and pressure variation intervals are indicated.

For an analysis of the data, consult one of the proposed ACTIVITY GUIDE. 

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