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Concave Mirror

 Authors: Ms. Giselle dos Santos Castro - Federal University of Ceara - UFC
                   Dr. Nildo Loiola Dias - Federal University of Ceara - UFC


- Click on the point indicated by the (+) sign of the object (red arrow) to drag it to the desired position.
- Choose a Concave Mirror from 4 possibilities. Each Concave Mirror has a different focal length.
- Click the X on the screen to drag it to locate the position of the real image.


This simulation makes it possible to determine the focal length of a concave mirror by locating the position of the real image that can be viewed only when projected onto the screen. The concave mirror is fixed in the zero position. There are 4 concave mirror options, each with a different focal length. The simulation only allows the visualization of real images. The real image will only be shown when the screen is located at the position where the image is formed.

For an analysis of the data, consult one of the proposed ACTIVITY GUIDE. 

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