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Significant Figures 2

 Authors: Ms. Giselle dos Santos Castro - Federal University of Ceara - UFC
                   Dr. Nildo Loiola Dias - Federal University of Ceara - UFC


- The button “Millimeter ruler” allows you to obtain a ruler with divisions in millimeters that can be moved to the desired position.
- The button “Centimeter ruler” allows you to obtain a ruler with divisions in centimeters that can be moved to the desired position.
- The symbol in the lower left corner of each ruler allows you to rotate the ruler by 45 degrees in order to measure the diagonals of the squares.


This simulation allows the measurement of the sides and diagonals of 6 different squares, using a millimeter ruler or a centimeter ruler in order to obtain measurements with different numbers of significant figures. The ratio between the diagonal and the side of each square allows obtaining an approximate value of the square root of 2. Depending on the ruler used, the approximation of the square root of 2 will contain a greater or lesser number of significant figures.

For an analysis of the data, consult one of the proposed

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